Written three times in the Bible is the claim that Satan is the prince of the world. This is to emphasize Satan’s authority on earth—the influence he has over people with his cunningness and deception. Fortunately, walking with the Lord and strengthening one’s faith help repel his dominion and power. By consciously and intentionally living in faith, people avoid being his servant and follower.
The Ever-Continuing Battle for the Human Soul
“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” – Ephesians 6:11-12
Alongside the established Satan’s authority on earth, the concept of good vs. evil, God vs. Satan, is forever woven into the trajectory of life. Since time immemorial, people have been perpetually reminded to stay kind even in the face of hardships, and this is because of how easy it is to be otherwise.
In his life after death book, Living Life with Blinders On, author Julius Mosley II highlights how easy it is for people to fall under Satan’s authority on earth. As he calls it, people live with “blinders” covering their eyes from spiritual truth. They start life unfamiliar with how God wants them to, and they learn only through seeking spiritual enlightenment and fellowship.
Julius Mosley II agrees with the belief that Satan owns everything on earth, as it is riddled with temptations that lead people astray. Hardships are everywhere, and most are tough enough to compromise people’s faith. This is why it’s essential to uncover the bounds of Satan’s authority on earth and how this manifests in life.
How Does Satan’s Authority on Earth Manifest?
As everyone undergoes a journey of spiritual awakening, it becomes apparent how much a reality spiritual warfare is. People are exposed to multiple instances of evil activities from Biblical accounts down to modern experiences, evidence of Satan’s authority on earth.
Some of these are overt—an outward showcase of his evil. However, in some cases, these can be shrouded in regularity, spotlighting his deception. One way to effectively avoid falling victim to Satan’s role on earth is to uncover how this manifests.
Through Temptations
Satan did it to Jesus (though unsuccessfully). He can do it to you, too.
Temptation is the most prevalent manifestation of Satan’s authority on earth. He’s cunning, masquerading in light and righteousness, but underneath this is an evil that leads people away from God. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, Satan will blind people’s minds and hide the truth from them. He will make them do sinful things they will later regret. He keeps people from seeing the treasure of religion through false righteousness.
Through Sickness
Satan’s goal is to counter the work of God. Hence, he will parade his work similarly to how God does His. While God may also cause sickness in men as His design for sanctification, Satan does this not to teach or incite change in men. Instead, he does this to hurt and will people away from God.
Satan’s authority on earth is portrayed through illness that causes more harm than good in people. He is bloodthirsty and achieves his will without consideration of others. God comes into the world so people can live abundantly. But Satan contradicts this by coming into the world to make life miserable.
Through Deception
Satan is a deceiver who influences people through false teaching. He takes on the form of a human to effectively achieve his goal, deceiving people that he’s one of them when he isn’t. Not only does he want to put them into misery, but he will also choke faith in people. By deceiving them through form and intentions, Satan fights against missionaries and teaches things that contradict the word of God.
How Do People Avoid Satan’s Authority?
What is Satan’s role on earth?
He does everything in his power to lead people astray. Yet, fortunately, God gives believers the power to fight against Satan’s authority on earth. God knows about Satan’s ill intentions. He has already seen what evil is capable of. This is why He has given people the capacity to avoid falling victim to it.
By Strengthening Their Faith
Faith and prayers are the most powerful weapon against evil. These are people’s primary protection against Satan’s authority on earth. They guide people to believe and rely on God or a higher power to teach them about the truth. This is why people are reminded to live by faith, to practice it in every step of their lives so they’re perpetually protected from evil’s deception.
By Wearing the Armor of God
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son.” – John 3:16
However, this isn’t the only way God showed his love for humanity. God planned to save people from Satan’s authority on earth by giving them spiritual protection against him—the armor of God. This helps people defend themselves against evil and temptations. By wearing all the pieces (truth, righteousness, gospel, faith, salvation, and the word of God), no evil shall be strong enough to inflict pain on them.
By Living a Life Aligned with Goodness
Just as Julius Mosley II conveys in his book, people must remove the blinders that hinder them from seeing the truth and power of God. They should cultivate a purposeful life that aligns with how God wants it to be. They should focus on developing virtues like love and forgiveness, mirroring how God lives to repel Satan’s authority on earth.
Avoid Satan’s Authority on Earth by Choosing Light
There’s no better way to avoid becoming Satan’s victim than through personal choice. Everyone can be easily swayed. But if they stand firm with their faith and guard themselves against the distracting world, they will remain vigilant against evil. Always choose to be good. Practice and cultivate a life that values spiritual allegiance, and remember that redemption is always possible with God.
To begin your journey of spiritual freedom, grab a copy of Julius Mosley II’s Living Life with Blinders On. Learn how to take off the mask covering you from seeing the beauty of life lived in faith.